What to do about the grand test? So I have a special slide for that. Give grand test seriously. The problem is we don’t give respect to the grand test, but we give respect to the grand test score.
Don’t you think that’s the problem that the grand test score is stuck, the score is not improving, but how are you giving the test? We are on the phone. So, then give the score as much respect as you are giving to the grand test. First of all, that’s the point.
You have to get into the groove of GTs like it’s your actual exam, like your life depends on it. That’s the first point or no matter which GT, whether it is BTR baseline GT, whether it’s middle of the schedule GT or it’s right in front of the exam GT, every GT is important because it’s 200 MCQs that you are doing at a stretch, it is match practice and that is the most important and you are learning how to face MCQs which you don’t know, all right. So, that is the best practice ever.
So, take GTs very seriously because they are preparing you for new unheard of MCQs which you face in the actual exam. What happened in NEET PG? Half of the people just crumbled at what happened? We never expected this to happen, how did you ask this question? If you have given GTs where you have had questions about what happened, I don’t know this, it’s not new. No, I have been through this, I know how to tackle it, I have to eliminate options and get to this.
All right. So, you have to have to practice this and try to find the answer. I don’t know anything, still, what should be the best answer? Let me think about everything that I know about this topic.
Okay, I have increased my odds to three options, this also seems unlikely because of this reason. Connect some dots, you know, slumdog millionaire, go all slumdog millionaire on a GT that you don’t know anything, how can you answer with your life experience? Okay, I had a burn once, I had put a paraffin gauze piece so that it doesn’t stick. So, paraffin gauze must be the best for a superficial burn.
You have to now use every ounce of knowledge you have gathered from here and there over your last five years of MBBS and use it in this GT, okay, to answer every question. All right, so this is the mindset, give it as if it’s the actual exam. Before you give the GT, revise your choti copy, revise stuff which is volatile that you have put in one box, in one book, you know, what you were doing before an actual exam, do before that GT.
Okay, and once the GT is done, you should feel that oh my God, what just happened for three hours, my brain, my energy is completely spent. I’ll tell you what happens anytime I have an offline class, especially offline BTR of 12 hours, the moment I finish those three days of offline BTR, if you meet me at 9 pm on the third day, no, I am in a position where I can’t talk to people, my energy is not there. But if you see me towards the end of the class, I’m at the peak of my energy and then I just crash.
I can’t talk to my daughter also, when I go home, I can only do one thing, that’s just crash on the bed, my energy just gets spent. That’s how you have to feel like I have used my brain so much that there is no brain left. That’s the position you have to be in at the end of GT.
After that, you deserve a break. If you are in that state of mind, you deserve a break. Now you get a break of one whole hour, where you get to see the movie of your choice, which is half or on 2x, and then you will drink the best coffee of your life, and then you get at it.
Because now analysis is passive. Now we’re just reviewing. So whatever were your wrongs, that is what you are going to be reading.
So read the solution, see how you could have gotten it correct, and you will only realize the value of this if you have given your 100% brain while solving the question, only then you will realize, oh, this is not the answer. If you have given it in a game, passively, then you will not understand the meaning only. So analyze wrongs first and divide your mistakes into three: either something that you had read and you forgot, or it is a new point, you add it to the BTR book.
If you are forgetting something again and again, add it to Choti Copy. How to make Choti Copi? Stuff that you have forgotten at least twice, don’t write it in the first time, if you have forgotten twice, made a mistake twice, then you add it to Choti Copi. And yes, your choti copy is meant to be blank.
We are sending out a blank copy with all your BTR books as a gesture. It’s free. We are not taking money for a blank book.
It’s free so that you can add stuff to it. Okay. So this is also one of the most commonly asked queries, ma’am, my book is blank, where to return? Keep it with yourself.
Add stuff into that. Okay. Interpretation errors and silly mistakes.
So here, you learn it there and then, why did I make this mistake? How stupid am I? Give yourself as much abuse as you want and learn it there and then, don’t add it anywhere. Right answers only read if the solution is high, otherwise just scroll through them very quickly. So even this will not take time.
One of you is saying, ma’am, it’s taking a lot of time, that’s why it’s taking time because a lot of mistakes are happening. So don’t you think if you decrease your wrongs, your time taken to review will also decrease. So that’s the whole point, that if we decrease our incorrects, then time will also decrease.
So the whole process is that if you do your preparation well, then your GT reviewing time will also decrease. If you give your GT very well, your reviewing time will decrease. If you have given GT very passively, then you will have to apply all your brain while reviewing, which you don’t want to do.
You have applied all your brain while giving the GT, so the review should be easy. So on a complete timeline, what you need to remember, if you have 3 hours of GT, it should take you 3 hours to review it. So that day, the 3 hours plus the 1 hour break that you gained, means 7 hours on buffer days can go for GTs, not more than that.
If it’s more than that, then quickly remove the corrects, no need to see them again. So that is what you have to do. I hope I have told you everything about GTs.
The frequency should be once in every 10 days. I think that is good enough for any stage of preparation. How to score not moving past 100 to 120? I think this was the most common query.
So if you are at 100 to 120, it means that the basic info is done. A lot of it is going to improve with application. See if you are not at 100, it means the content is not covered.
If you read the content twice to reach 100, then you should reach 100. If you do BTR plus PYQ twice, then the content is sorted. Then you have to practice more questions, work on the application.
So that means you are at 100 to 120. Now we have to work on the application, and that is only more and more MCQ practice. Don’t run away from GTs, don’t run away from daily custom modules.
Take them as learning tools. Learn everything. If you do 100 MCQs daily, you will get to learn 100 new things if everything is also wrong.
So that’s what you have to do. Work on the application, you will have synapses which will form. Ask the same thing in a different way and the answer changes.
So that’s what you have to work on. This one sentence can be asked in 3 different ways. What are those 3 ways? Unless you get exposed to those 3 ways, you will not be able to reach the answer.
So you have to work more on MCQs if this is where you are at. Make sure you are doing 50 daily. If you are able to do 50 comfortably, push your limits.
Go to 100 MCQs daily. Yes, so beyond 120, MCQ comes from practice. It won’t come from watching videos.
Don’t fool yourself by saying that if you watch all the main videos, then you will get it. Nothing is going to happen. What you want to do is, watch the main videos as active surveillance.
Don’t watch it from the beginning and finish it. Don’t please take this out of context. What I am saying is, if you want to watch the main videos, do selective.
What you have to do is, you have to go into the depths of important topics and then finish them. So that’s how you have to take any content. Focus more on MCQs, learn from them and then whatever you don’t understand, go back to the video and understand from that.
So that’s what you want to do. So now, we have 3 GTs which are planned on the 12th of March, the 15th of March and the 17th of March. Those of you who are finishing one round of the revision or any round of the revision, these GTs you have to take very seriously and try to score as high as possible.
But this becomes your baseline score. For those of you who are just starting by scratch, you also want to give these GTs and take this score as your baseline score. I’ll tell you what baseline score means.
That this is where you are beginning from and you have to aim to just go higher from this point. One of the major questions, my GT score is stuck. I’m going to give you a different perspective today as far as GT scores being stuck are concerned.
I think it’s a good thing if your scores are stuck. If you are in a similar range in all 3 GTs, it’s actually a good thing. In PSM, we study something about precision.
What is precision? Precision is reproducibility. Means if you can get into 125 to 130 in all 3, means at least you know, that it is around 125 to 130, you are precise. You may not be accurate, but you are precise.
What if your scores are 90, 130 and 170? What will you get out of it? You know, so which one is going to be your real score? So you might be accurate, but you are not precise here. So GTs scores being stuck is actually a good thing because you know, at least constant to hai. Now you have to go up from this score.
Right? So let the GT scores be stuck. It’s okay. We have to take the stuck GT scores and keep going higher with them.
Okay? So these become your baseline GT. 3 GTs means, 200 into 200 into, I mean 200 into 3 questions, right? So 600 opportunities to learn. From today onwards, every question that you see, every MCQ that you see is a topic that you are doing.
Take it like that. Don’t run away from MCQs. You know, so you, I want all of my students to learn from questions.
Don’t take them as a testing tool. Take questions, any question, whether it’s GT score, or any custom module, PYQ, and any question is a learning tool. Believe me that you will remember MCQs better than just theory.
You will remember topics better after you’ve done a question on them because you’ll remember, yes, it was asked, ok, this was, this was the scenario, this was DD. So that’s what you have to do. Expose yourself to as many questions as possible.
So everybody, you are starting off the schedule, starting off your preparation with these 3 GTs, no matter what stage you are at. Okay? So this is what you are doing. Now, what about those who are not, who have not followed the previous schedule till now? What are you supposed to do till the 12th of March, till these GTs come? So, if you are not following the previous schedule, what I will advise you to do is try to watch BTR of at least the long subjects and integrated systems till then.
Just give it a watch 3 times. Okay? So you want to watch the video of PSM, Obs-Gyne Surgery, that’s what we call as long subjects and integrated systems, which are 8 integrated systems plus 3 general path physiopharma videos. Watch these 3 videos 3 times.
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