Feeling LOST After a Bad GT Score? Must Watch for NEET PG/INI CET 2025 by Dr. Apurv Mehra

I started attempting the grand test. My score became poor.

I did not improve. I stopped attempting them. How do I know where am I going? This means you were going through a task of measurement of how you were faring at something and when you realised you’re not doing good, you decided to quit.

Now here comes the point, you know, the point is about feedback. The point is about analysis. If you want to be good at anything in the world, you need to have two things.

Number one, measure it. Accept the truth. So grand test, what a grand test? Grand tests are a dress rehearsal for the final examination.

You are attempting a grand test and you’re not scoring well. You’re not supposed to score well on the grand test. You’re supposed to assess well in a grand test.

Analyze what you’re doing, and where you’re heading. It’s a chance for you to do a dress rehearsal. Great Michael Jackson before every grand show will do a proper rehearsal in the real surroundings.

Imagine why he reached where he reached was because he was actually dancing the entire show the night before and we are worried because if we do not do good in the grand test, how will you improve? How will you know what are your shortcomings? What is important is that if you get something wrong in the grand test work on it so that you don’t get wrong in the main exam. Here comes the main truth that you need to know where you’re fearing. Whatever you’re doing in this world till time you do not develop a habit of measuring how you are improving.

You are denying the truth. The truth is that if you close your eyes, the truth does not change. There was a bird called Dodo, and another named Dildo.

So you will laugh at these names, but this bird, you know, is extinct today. Do you know why? Because anytime a hunter comes to hunt it, it will close his eyes as if the hunter did not exist. Is this going to take away the hunter or the arrow? You will still be shot.

Look, that’s the point with us. We close our eyes to reality and then we worry why did we fail. Now we are preparing for failure because you’re not planning.

So if you fail to plan, you fail to plan. If you do not plan, you fail.

And that’s why it’s very very important. Plan well, so you don’t fail. And that’s why the grand test and attempting an MCQ for an exam which is MCQ-based must be extremely pivotal.

Till the time you’re not developing this habit, you’re not going ahead. In fact, the next question is very simple. I did not give the exam.

I did bad and now I don’t know how to start. Restart.

You are a human being. You can make errors. This was very important.

Move ahead. Accept the reality. You made a mistake and then start attempting the papers because this is the only gold standard way which has never been proven wrong.

People who keep on attempting grand tests and whose score keeps on improving did very well. So if you look at this, your peak of preparation and if the exam day is the same you are ticked right. You will be right.

So this is beautiful. In the 1996 World Cup Australia, the mighty Australians were playing the final against Sri Lankans. Australians said that if you look at the last matches Sri Lanka does not have a chance but Sri Lankan captain Rana Tunga said we are peaking.

Our last match is an understatement of what we will do in the next. They had defeated India in a previous match and they were peaking and they peaked on that day and they defeated Australians with a mindset in this game. So that’s what is important that you have to peak at the right moment and how will you peak at the right moment? When you keep on giving your exams, keep on analyzing them and reduce your errors.

That is why if you think that you are not scoring well and you stop attempting well it is like nothing arises. The hunter will not shoot you. It will not work.

It will never work. So remember go and attempt the papers. It’s an art and craft acquired by practice.

Do not worry if you do not score well in them. Worry if you don’t attempt. So that is what is a beautiful Shero Shairi.

I will speak here. Right? So it is very very important that movement, however, so little it is progress. Less progress.

Thank you very much. Thank you.

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